West Dallas Commercial Development - StoryBuilt in PD 714

The Role of West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition in West Dallas Growth

The Park at West Main is not slated to begin construction until December of 2022. This means there is still room for dialog and ensuring that the plans are in line with the desires of the West Dallas community, and more importantly, for the needs of the local residents.

The West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition hopes to lead the charge to offer the necessary support to StoryBuilt and to encourage local residents to actively participate in the negotiations where it is necessary. In this article, West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition will be discussing the issues related to the Traffic Impact Analysis report that was released in July of 2021.

What Does The Park At West Main Bring To West Dallas?

  • Multi-family Residential Units

·        Low-Rise Condos – 184 units

·        Multi-family mid-rise – 300 units

  • Retail Space

·        3,483 square feet

  • Office Space

·        5,989 square feet

  • Health and Fitness Centers

·        5,989 square feet

  • Sit-down Restaurant

·        9,556 square feet

Revisiting PD 714

StoryBuilt has requested subsection 714F to be incorporated into land currently zoned PD 714 1A and 1B. At The West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition, one of our primary initiatives is to strengthen and preserve PD 714. We fully support revisiting PD-714 on a city council level and believe this development offers a prime opportunity to do so.

We believe any development within PD 714 must respect the original intentions of the district: to create a walkable retail corridor, respect views from and residents within the existing single-family neighborhoods, and preserve buildings with historical significance. See our 1007 Folsom Street page for more details.

Traffic Studies — Bataan and Herbert Street

The first point of contention from West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition is the apparent lack of coordination between city planners and engineers, and StoryBuilt as there do seem to be issues with the planned expansion of Herbert Street and the proposed termination of Bataan Street and potentially of Amonette Streets.

The West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition would like to have these issues discussed in more detail in order to prevent unnecessary disruption to existing traffic flow, and the potential loss of traffic options for the termination of Bataan Street at the railroad tracks.

The Threat of Land Loss in Development

This may seem to be an inconsequential issue in terms of the bigger picture. The right of way extension for Bataan Street is likely to be ceded or even donated by the project developers. In the event that the extension of Bataan Street does not occur, and while it has been discussed, it has not received final approval, this would prove detrimental to the overall development of the project.

The entire area ceded for this extension would be left undeveloped and would not be easily incorporated at a later date. Such a loss may even result in wasted land areas that may be better utilized in a more sustainable fashion or otherwise used to provide a more tangible benefit to the local community.

It does at least seem that the developers have also kept this in mind, and have proposed instead, that Herbert Street be expanded into a four-lane traffic space, thus releasing the proposed land for Bataan Street to be more fully incorporated into the commercial development. In the new proposed expansion of Herbert Street, Bataan Street would end at the railroad tracks to the North of the project site.

Such a proposal would then allow for the land necessary for Bataan Street that is running through the property to be more fully developed and incorporated. The land may be better utilized for any number of purposes which would provide benefits to both the developers and to local community members.

Better Commercial Use Of Lands

Such a proposal may include additional park space, perhaps even allowing for new areas to include murals by the local artisan community. It may include retail shops and other options that would bring more jobs and even visitors to the West Dallas area as well. The bottom line is that a more coordinated effort is necessary between the developers and the West Dallas government officials, most notably the planning commission and the engineering arm of the government.

These are all issues that are important to the West Dallas Community and why West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition is actively seeking concerned members of the community to join with us to ensure the voice of the community is heard. The continued growth and expansion of West Dallas is important, but at the same time, consideration must be given to the preservation of the West Dallas Community.

Sustainable Growth and Development for West Dallas?

West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition is anxious to establish a more comprehensive voice for the West Dallas community, though this will require your participation and support. While The West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition fully supports efforts such as this to improve the West Dallas area, there must be limits in place as well.

West Dallas has a long, rich, and diverse history. There is an ongoing need to provide affordable housing, especially to the many marginalized communities whose families have lived in West Dallas for multiple generations.

There are also historical sections of West Dallas that need to be preserved, either in their original, fully restored form, or updated to reflect the history in a more modern light.

West Dallas likewise enjoys a diverse alternative culture that needs to be recognized. Whether this is done through the extension of the Mural arts programs, the more artisan restaurants, and bars, or in other forms of expression, these communities must also be able to retain their voice and position in conjunction with the ongoing growth and expansion of West Dallas.


The Importance of Community Action

Construction is not scheduled to begin until December of 2022, and the entire project is not scheduled for completion until 2027. Now is among the most important times for concerned community members in the West Dallas area. West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition urges all of the people living and working in the surrounding area to work together in order to maximize the benefit to the West Dallas area.

West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition is actively seeking community members who would like to support and enhance the West Dallas area. If you feel compelled to assist in these efforts, we would love to work together and look forward to hearing from you.


2021 West Dallas Mural Project


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