2021 West Dallas Mural Project

The West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition and the West Dallas Mural Project

The West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition was thrilled to see the creativity on display in West Dallas at the fourth annual Wild West Mural Fest. This celebration of art was originally created as an extension of the Art Walk West which began in West Dallas in 2015. What this event has become is a means for previously marginalized voices to make their voices heard in peaceful, stunningly beautiful displays.


What started out as something of a free-zone mural and graffiti beautification project on Fabrication Street began to grow and expand organically. Over the course of time, the Wild West Mural Fest has morphed into a means for the Black, the LGBTQ+, and the Hispanic communities to come together.


The Mural Project was originally established as a “free zone” by city officials working in cooperation with the largest landowner in the commercial district on Fabrication Street. West Dallas Investments ultimately green-lighted the project and allowed local graffiti artists to have what was effectively unrestricted access to the warehouses.


Murals and Graffiti as Local Art and Expression

Free from any concerns about being arrested and prosecuted, local artists began sharing their artwork with the world and the rest, as they say, is history. While their many voices may be united, their works of art reveal an incredibly diverse vision of hope for the local community and the future.


This particular message seems to be a favorite of local artist Jeremy Biggers. The 2020 entry from Jeremy Biggers was a message of community support within the black community, exploring a group of black men assisting each other and working together.


At the same time, his daughter remains another source of inspiration for his heart, leaving messages of hope for the future throughout the community. While many of his messages may be inspired by his daughter, they offer hope to many different communities for a better future in which all of their messages may be more well-received.


West Dallas Women of Power and Substance

Local artist Stephanie Sanz freely admits that her artwork and murals focus primarily on women and feminism. She considers her most prevalent local mural to be the depiction of three “pistol-packing” women reminiscent of something out of the proverbial wild west.


She goes on to explain that she prefers to see women in positions of power, most notably in her artistic expression. Despite this, her current efforts are focused on the creation of a mural on Singleton Boulevard showing her softer side as it were, with two women engaged in an embrace.


West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition and the Local Community

West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition recognizes the unique composition of the local community and the rich traditions, culture, and even growth of our area. West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition is actively seeking community members who are equally concerned with creating that fine balance between modern expansion and historical preservation, as well as the extension of a popular voice for all of our community members. If you would like to be part of the West Dallas Neighborhood Coalition movement, we encourage you to contact us today. Our history is rich, but our successful growth and expansion will only work if we stand united as a community of the future


400 Foot Tower In West Dallas


West Dallas Commercial Development - StoryBuilt in PD 714